The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has developed a set of tools specific to a range of tourism sub-sectors, tools that can support countries across the sub-region to develop and upgrade specific micro/small business in a number of tourism areas. The tourism tools provide tourism industry entrepreneurs and those who work with them guidance on how to establish, run and improve businesses. The tourism tools, developed in cooperation with ASEAN under the Small Business Competitiveness (SBC) project, are based on the ILO Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED) approach, a sectoral diversification of this peer-to-peer training methodology.
C-BED for Smallholder farmer package is an introductory training that is suitable also for audiences with very limited literacy and useful to everyone who wants to gain basic familiarity with business development and operation. Participants arrive seeking opportunities to make change in their lives, wanting to find or change a vocation or improve their working conditions. They leave with basic competencies in business operation and critical learning. For criteria to select the participants