

ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework

Country: International
Pages: 47

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The unprecedented scale of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has taken the world by surprise. Since it was declared a pandemic in March 2020, COVID -19 has continued to upend lives and disrupt livelihoods around the world. ASEAN has not been spared. As time unfolds, it had shown that COVID-19 is not only a global public health crisis, but also a global economic crisis. As of 7 November 2020, the 10 ASEAN Member States (AMS) collectively accounted for 2.0% of global confirmed cases and 1.9% of global deaths. These percentages may seem relatively low compared to other regions, and in many ASEAN Member States (AMS), COVID-19 cases have either plateaued or dropped. However, concerns remain regarding potential recurring waves of infections as economies reopen and a few AMS are still battling rising numbers.

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