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The Mu Nao Song Festival in Dehong, Yunnan, China

February 24, 2024

The indigenous Jingpo people in Dehong  prefecture is closely related to Kachin people in North Myanmar (Burma), and the Mu Nao Song Festival (Munao Zonggejie), on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, is their occasion to show gratitude to gods. The original cattle sacrifice has now been replaced by a singing & circle dancing event that lasts three days and can involve over ten thousand people. During the festival, you can see Jingo people in their tricolor costume, with women wearing tippets made of silver sequins. A ladder with blades for rungs will be erected on a square, for young men to climb up and hence prove their courage.

photo credit: 任东(云南分社y/中新社/ 视觉中国


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