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Vat Phou Festival, Lao PDR

Vat Phou Vat Phou, Champasack, Lao People's Democratic Republic

This is the largest festival in Champasack Province and one of the largest festivals in the entire country. It is held annually on the grounds of the enchanting pre-Angkorian remains […]

Boun Khao Chi (Makhaboucha),Lao PDR

Laos Nationwide, Lao People's Democratic Republic

Boun Khoa Chi is one of the most important Buddhist Festival celebrate on the full moon day of the lunar month in Laos. A ceremony is held throughout the country at the vat(temple) in the morning when a special ‘bread’ made of sticky rice, coated with egg and then grilled, is made and offered to […]

Pimai Lao/Lao New Year, Lao PDR

Luang Prabang Luang Prabang, Lao People's Democratic Republic

The three-day Lao New Year is a purification festival, during which the Buddhist images in the household and the temples are ritually cleaned with sacred water. On the streets, locals engage in the usual Pimai antics—Soo Kwan (tying cotton strings around people’s wrists), water splashing, and sand stupa building. You’ll also find processions of people […]

Boun Visakhaboucha, Lao PDR

Celebrated on the full moon of the sixth month in the Buddhist calendar, Boun Visakhaboucha marks the Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. Devout Buddhists will rise early to make merit at temples. In some temples, Buddhists will perform Wien Tien (Candlelight procession) in the evening, which includes carrying candles, incense and lotus flowers and […]