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Wa Face-smearing Festival, China

Yunnan Dali, Yunnan

The Wa people call it Moh Nin Hei - the Festival of Solidarity - but when translated phonetically into Chinese, it becomes the 'Face-Smearing Festival' (Mo Ni Hei). By pure […]

Reunification Day, Viet Nam

The day is celebrated to honor the historical and cultural significance of the reunification, symbolizing peace, independence, and unity. It is a time for Vietnamese people to remember the sacrifices made during the war and to celebrate the resilience and unity of the nation.  

Wood Drum Festival of Wa People at Ximeng, China

Wa people used to be hunters roaming over Yunnan's forested mountains, and the wood drum they worship now was probably used to intimidate dangerous animals by its thunderous clang. Almost every Wa village has such a drum, which is carved out of a big log, and on their Wood Drum Festival (Mugujie) every year, people […]

May Festivals and Events, Thailand

#Here are some of Thailand’s distinctive Visakha Bucha Day celebrations: Sukhothai ‘Wien Tien Ta Khan’ Visakha Bucha Day 2024 21-22 May 2024 Wat Chang Lom, Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Nakhon […]

Lixia Festival at Fuxian Lake, China

Yunnan Dali, Yunnan

A crystal-clear alpine lake wedged between Kunming and Yuxi, Fuxian Lake (Fuxian Hu) is best-known for the huge amount of Cambrian fossils discovered there, but average travellers can head for the lake on May 10th in the name of Lixia, or the Advent of Summer. A traditional festival once involving a sacrifice to the lake's […]

Bodhi Tree Watering Festival, Myanmar

During the summer month of May, pilgrims gather at pagodas and temples throughout the country to water the sacred Bodhi Trees. It is said that Lord Buddha gained enlightenment when he was resting under a Bodhi tree. When the religion spread across the world, Bodhi trees were planted in monasteries all over the world by […]

Hung Temple Festival, Viet Nam

Hung Temple Phu Tho, Viet Nam

On the tenth day of the third lunar month, Vietnamese gather at the Hung Temple at Nghia Linh Mountain in Phu Tho Province to honor the legendary Hung Kings. Rulers […]

Prince Festival of Bai People at Shaxi, China

China Benzhu Temple, Yunnan, China

Thanks to influence from Tibet and India, Bai people generally embrace Buddhism. At Shaxi , on the 8th day of the 2nd lunar month, they will observe the Prince Festival […]

Boun Visakhaboucha, Lao PDR

Celebrated on the full moon of the sixth month in the Buddhist calendar, Boun Visakhaboucha marks the Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. Devout Buddhists will rise early to make […]