Vang Vieng, Lao PDR

Sheep and ostrich farm in Sihanoukville eager for tourists to visit

A Sheep and ostrich farm in Sihanoukville is eager for visitors to visit because of the beautiful nature associated with agro-tourism.

Khim Sorn, Head of Sheep and Ostrich Farm Group, located in Prey Nob District, Preah Sihanouk province, told National Radio of Cambodia that the Sheep and Ostrich Farms started in 2020 on an area of 30 hectares. Initially, the farm had only 100 ostriches, but now there are more than 400 ostriches.

He added that for Cambodians who travel to Sihanoukville to eat grilled squid or to see the sea to get relieve from stress and can also visit the sheep and ostrich farm located in Samrong commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province, to add more fun.

“Come to visit the farm for sheep and ostrich photography, where grass and water convolvulus are available for visitors to use to feed sheep and ostrich to take pictures.”

Sorn continued that raising ostriches is not difficult, we just understand how to see the disease, vaccinate and how to feed with natural grass. He said that raising ostrich is not only possible with large farms, but also for the villagers who raise to generate more income. AKP

Source: Ministry of Tourism, Cambodia

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