The Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia has the honour to inform the public that in November 2020, the Senegalese Economic Prospective Office has ranked Cambodia as the 3rd World’s Best Country in Combating COVID-19 Pandemic after Saint Kills and Nevis – a Caribbean Micro Stale – and Seychelle. As of 20th December 2020, Cambodia has ranked Number One in Combating COVID-19 Pandemic with a score of I (out of a total possible of 1) in a sample of 166 countries, followed by South Sudan (0.99), Brunei (0.99).
Because of the strict control and management of the Royal Government of Cambodia in combatting COVID-19, Cambodia is one of the safest countries to visit amid COVTD-19 pandemic. This ranking is another national pride of Cambodia and this is a great opportunity on promoting ” Cambodia – Kingdom of Wonder, Feel the Warmth” at both local and international stages in all circumstances.
On behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, the Ministry of Tourism is honored to be ranked as Number One in combating the COVID-19 pandemic and to request the support and cooperation from all relevant entities, institutions, tour operators, development partners, the public, and media to disseminate this good news to all partners around the world in the objective to promote ” Cambodia as One of the Safest Countries to Visit amid COVID– 19 Pandemic” and Cambodia is waiting for you.
For more information, please visit: Le Cambodge classe meil/eur pavs du monde face a la Covid l