The Fresh From The Field Manual presents our team’s first-hand experiences, tools and lessons learned between 2014 and 2017, implementing the NTF III Myanmar: Inclusive Tourism Project focusing on Kayah State.
Overall, the NTF III aimed to contribute to poverty alleviation and to enhance the trade competitiveness of the tourism sector in Kayah State, Myanmar. The project built the capacity of actors along Myanmar-Europe tourism supply chains: to offer higher quality products and services to international tourists seeking authentic, local, cultural experiences.
One focus of the NTF III project was to develop and market cultural tourism experiences in Pan Pet (ethnic Kayan), Hta Nee La Leh and Daw Ta Ma Gyi (ethnic Kayah) and Htay Khu (ethnic Kayaw) communities. ITC’s team of national and international experts built on two decades of consistent work by organisations including CBI, ECEAT, ITC, CBT-I Thailand and other regional initiatives.
The project highlight is that strategic actions were taken at each step along EU tourism supply chains: through local communities and SMEs, ground handlers, Destination Management Companies (DMCs), tourism associations and international tour operators to develop and market CBT.
Results of this work so far include 20 new cultural tours; over 30 new business partnerships between Kayah ground handlers and Yangon destination management companies (DMCs); and direct employment and income for over 100 actively participating community members, offering cultural tourism services. The project team built capacity and confidence in skills such as tour operation, tour guiding, book-keeping, communication and food hygiene.
By the end of the project, Kayah state had achieved an 140% increase in visitors and an increased visitor spend of almost 400%. Between 2016 and 2017, domestic arrivals to Kayah increased from 16,994 to 33,492. International arrivals increased from 6374 to 8975. In 2017, 1,009 international tourists used CBT services in Hta Nee La Leh Kayah community, earning 6,330,300 ks, which is apr. $5000 USD. 1,343 international tourists used CBT services in Pan Pet, Kayan community, earning 7,589,000 Ks, which is apr. $6500 USD. Both communities successfully collected 10% of income in community funds, which have been saved in the bank.
Currently, partnerships between these local communities and tour operators in Loikaw and Yangon are running effectively, with CBT products being promoted for the 2018/2019 season.